
English Bloom Mug Rug Pattern

By: Amy Ball for

The English Bloom Mug Rug Pattern might be smaller than most quilter mug rugs, but it's prettier too! These mini mug rugs finish at 6.5"x6", making them a small and easy pattern you can easily create a set or two of. These cute little mug rugs use EPP hexagons and jewels to arrange into a simple and sweet flower shape. They're affordable and quick, which makes for a wonderful handmade gift. If you are interested in trying out the English Paper Piecing method, but don't want to take on the responsibility of an entire quilt, try starting small with these mug rugs. The free and printable pattern will walk you through everything you need to know!

Project TypeMake a Project

Quilt Size6.5 inches wide x 6 inches long

Time to CompleteIn an evening

Primary TechniqueQuilting


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