
Cupcake Mug Rug Pattern

By: Vanessa from Crafty Gemini
Cupcake Mug Rug Pattern

This free mug rug pattern will take you only an hour or so to stitch up, and it makes such an adorable gift! Give a Cupcake Mug Rug as a birthday gift, or use it as a Valentine's Day table decoration. It will bring a touch of sweetness to your day! Learning how to applique adorable designs onto your smaller quilting projects like mug rugs, placemats, baby quilts, and more can transform your quilting pieces into unique, cute gifts. Dont forget to check out the free quilting video on this cute project below.

Project TypeMake a Project

Quilt Size12 inches wide x 7 inches long

Time to CompleteIn an evening

Learn how to applique a cupcake with this free quilting video.


How to Applique: Tips and Tricks

If you've always wondered about applique in terms of quilting, there are a few methods on how to applique. First, there is the freezer paper applique technique. In this technique, you'll cut freezer paper to the size of the applique and then you iron it onto the front of your quilt and cut around it. Baste the seam into the wrong side and pin the combination to the front of the quilt. Stitch around the applique and remove the freezer paper before you finish the seam. 

Fusible applique is a quick and easy technique when learning how to applique. First, trace the applique design on the paper side of the fusible pellon. The fusible side attaches to the wrong side of the applique fabric, which means the design has to be reversed. Roughly cut out the designs and then follow the instructions on your fusible packaging. 

If you have a larger applique piece, you can cut out the motifs using templates and add a seam allowance. Then, sew the right sides together and leave a space to turn them inside out. Press and roll the seam to the inside. Applique using a small amount of washable glue to hold it in place. 



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